A combination of recent rainfall, cooler temperatures and more favorable fire conditions have allowed the Douglas Forest Protective Association to lower fire restrictions that are in place for both the general public and industrial operators. Effective Monday, September 21st at 12:01 AM, all DFPA protected lands will move to a fire danger rating of MODERATE and Industrial Fire Precaution Level 2.
For the general public, a moderate fire danger rating changes the shutdown times for several activities listed in DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions. During moderate fire danger, the following activities are prohibited between the hours of 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM:
The cutting, trimming or mowing of dead grass. This restriction does not apply to the mowing of green lawns or for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural crops.
The cutting, grinding or welding of metal for non-industrial purposes.
The use of power saws for non-industrial purposes.
Any non-industrial improvement or development taking place on private property that utilizes power driven machinery not specifically mentioned in the Public Use Restrictions.
Fire officials remind that all other restrictions listed in DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions remain in effect and are unchanged. Backyard debris burning also remains prohibited. A detailed list of Public Use Restrictions can be found at www.dfpa.net/public-fire-restrictions
For industrial operators and other industrial forest workers who are operating on forestlands, IFPL II prohibits the following industrial activities between the hours of 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM:
The use of power saws, except at loading sites.
Feller-bunchers with rotary head saws.
Cable Yarding
Cutting, grinding, or welding of metal.
In addition, a fire watch of at least two hours is required during IFPL II, once work has completed for the day. Some private landowners or public land management agencies may require a longer fire watch on the lands they own or manage.
For more information about public or industrial fire restrictions within the Douglas District, visit www.dfpa.net or call 541-672-6507.